A room (or even small space) set aside to relax and focus within is an excellent way to find peace and destress after a long days work. If yoga and meditation are something you turn to or even are interested in taking up as a way to help build a stronger mind and body, then consider some of the following ideas- no matter how small your space may be.
Table Of Contents
1. Inspirational Hangings
Bare walls are hardly what you want to see when you walk into your space. Inspirational quotes, sayings, or even just terms used within meditation and yoga practices are all you need to help influence your state of mind and allow you to reflect on their meaning.
2. A Place to Gather
Many people inspire one another to continue on their paths both spiritually and physically. If you love to share your yoga experiences, consider providing a place where you and your friends can gather and be supportive of one another.
3. Inspiring Reminders
Consider inspiring your gardens or other tranquil areas with reminders of your favorite way to unwind. Peaceful statues are wonderful ways to provide inspiration and idyllic aesthetics that highlight the importance of yoga in your life.
4. Quiet Retreat
Sometimes our own homes are distracting in that they remind us of our responsibilities and needs- and take our focus away from our own well being. Consider creating your own space away from the home- such as a DIY meditation room or other such structure someplace else on your property.
5. Studio Spruce Up
Spruce up your studio with popular yoga poses for inspiration and aesthetics. Wall decals are a great way to show off your favorite colors and designs, and can even be personalized for your space.
6. Fancy Floors
Yoga is traditionally done on a personalized padded mat to avoid creating pressure points against hard surfaces. Mediation rooms also have plush pillows and bright floor coverings. Consider searching for a wholly unique rug to help make your space welcoming and comfortable.
7. Make a Statement
Wall decals really are a great way to create a statement and provide an excellent way to use up bare wall space. Welcome people to your space with a sign of some sort that is as unique and interesting as you are!
8. Fitness Room
A fitness room, separated from the rest of the house, is a great way to designate space specifically for you and your personalized routine. Clear from clutter and daily reminders of your busy life, this is a great way to help de-stress and create your own private getaway.
9. Simplicity
Wall hangings or drapes help soften the look of a room you have designated for your own retreat and also muffle sounds to keep you focused on your own strength. Try not to clutter your space and use calming colors and textures to keep you from getting distracted.
10. Unused Space
If you have any unused space in your house, now may be the time to renovate it to create exactly what you need and want for a private space. Attic spaces and basement rooms are perfect examples of areas that could be utilized for your own.
12. Double Duty
Although a television is often an item left out of your quiet space, you may want to consider having one if you are interested in using video for a tutorial. There are many great programs dedicated to yoga and other types of exercises. Plus, moving along with a virtual instructor is almost as good as having a real one!
13. Natural Lighting
In keeping in harmony with your surroundings, consider using natural lighting during your stretches and poses. Start your day as the sun rises, and come evening, use low lighting to influence a sense of peace-and-calming and a wind down for the rest of the day.
14. An Open Place
Even if you don’t have a specific room set aside at home, all you really need is an open place to designate as your yoga spot. Open hallways overhanging balconies, a common sitting room, or even a formal living area can all be easily converted for your time to stretch and relax through your poses.
16. Outdoor Inspirations
Some of your most inspirational moments may be inspired by nature, and some of the best places to take advantage of this are in outdoor rooms. This large open space can be utilized for so much more than just yoga and can bring people together doing something they love.
17. Artistic Impressions
Set your soul free with inspiring art that helps provide depth to your room. If you have a smaller space without windows, a large nature-inspired print will allow your space to look bigger and brighter.
19. Floor Lighting
Overhead lighting can sometimes be too bright and provide a stark contrast to the relaxing mood you are trying to imply. Use filtered warm light tones and bring your light to the floor with lamps, almost as if to mimic the lighting of the early dawn or late dusk before sunset.
20. A Bedroom Corner
Although it would be nice to be able to designate a room or even building just for yoga, this can be a challenge- especially for city dwellers. Why not take over a corner of your bedroom and make it a spot just for this? A slight change in decor is all you need to help create the ambiance you want.
21. Finding Time
Busy with work, life, and/or parenting? Finding the time for yoga can often be problematic, but once you make the time, you will be so glad you did. Rolling out a yoga mat can be done anywhere- even in a backyard- and if you have kids, it is a great way to introduce them to yoga as a way to settle their mind.
22. Mirrored Reflections
At best, yoga can feel a bit awkward for beginners. Even those more adept at it can feel out of sorts when trying new poses and worry that they aren’t getting it just right. Adding mirrors to your space can help you check your posture and make small improvements to your poses.
24. Unwind
Sometimes an empty space is exactly what you need to release all your tension. This simple area is set up for multiple users and provides only what is needed and is wanted to unwind and destress during your time practicing.
26. Floor to Ceiling Windows
If you are lucky enough to have large picturesque windows that take up the majority of space along a wall, take advantage of it for your own yoga purposes. Watching the world go by outside a window is a peaceful pastime already, and it only adds to your experience.
27. Carpet Squares
If your basement isn’t completely finished but would serve as a great place to use, consider creating your own corner without the hassle of completing the entire area. Sample carpet squares are easy to mix and match and place together for your own flooring uses and help get you up off a cold floor.
29. Green Glow
Green is the color of growth, balance, and harmony, and it is often found in areas of meditation. Too much can be overwhelming and provide a colder atmosphere, but when used to highlight walls or in the details of the decor, it often creates a perfect balance.
30. A Place to Play
Traditional studios have wall to wall mirrors for a reason. They are a great teaching strategy to allow for both the instructor and students to have a visual of their form for correction and learning. They also allow students to check their poses against the instructor without having to disrupt the class to ask for help.
32. Every Nook and Cranny
You truly can take advantage of any little open area you have to steal some time on your yoga mat. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your place and look at your house in new ways to find an area that works for you.
33. Peaceful Place
Yoga is a peaceful exercise that’s geared towards bringing peace to both the mind and body. Surrounding yourself with what you are comfortable with no matter where you choose to practice is a good choice. Your health will thank you for participating!
35. Yoga Cushions
Also called meditation cushions, yoga cushions are a way to help support your body when learning new poses or when strengthening your body to hold a pose for a longer period of time. These are a great addition to your practices and are a staple to those serious with yoga and meditation.
38. The Bare Minimum
Over and over a simple space is shown as a place for yoga to be practiced. This is because you are supposed to work on clearing your mind as you strengthen your body, and to stay uncluttered in your surroundings is to also influence a clearer thinking.
40. Musical Influence
In many studios, you may experience some gentle acoustic music to help lull your mind and provide a state of peacefulness. Live music can even be offered depending on where you are in order to provide the ambiance you seek.
41. Yoga for the Peaceful
As a peaceful practice, yoga can help you become more centered and in touch with your body and mind. Be sure to place yourself in a space you are comfortable, no matter where that might be.
42. Step Outside the Norm
Practicing outside is a great way to be in touch with nature. If you have the opportunity to place yourself in a new area to practice your Yoga, do so to bring yourself a new experience.
44. Brighten Your Day
Bright walls can help lift your mood and provide a ‘sunny’ atmosphere even on the darkest of days. Highlight walls are a great way to bring depth to a small space and create a more welcoming space to work in. Plus, it also works well with candles to provide depth and allow your space to look larger than what it really is.
46. Narrow Rooms
Even if your space is narrow in nature, do not avoid taking advantage of it. Simple lighting and light colored walls can help provide depth and allow for a quiet area that you and your fellow yogis can enjoy.
47. A Place to Call Your Own
Many times people overlook those smaller spaces under the roof eaves or under staircases due to the strange shape they provide. Many people don't know what to do with them and therefore use them as storage only and overlook them completely. Instead, consider them a place for yoga or meditation.
48. Lamp Choices
Fun lighting is a great way to add a touch of your own personal taste and still keep your yoga room looking more traditional. Hanging lamps, in particular, are a great way to provide this addition and create a focal point that doesn’t take away from the entire room.
49. Reflective Surroundings
If possible, add hanging mirrors on more than one wall to provide you a better view of your poses and stretches. If in a classroom setting, this is also helpful to the instructor in order to see most of the classroom and help students without having to move around too much.
50. The Warmth of Wood
The warm tones of wood work so well in a yoga studio setting. It also is an excellent material to leave raw or even naturally stained if you have the opportunity. It is reflective of light and also welcoming in nature.
53. Aerial Yoga
Yes, anti-gravity yoga is a thing, and you not only need to provide enough space for the equipment but also for your yoga poses as they can take up quite a bit of room. You get a lot of movement with this type of yoga as well rather than still poses, that’s why a roomy space is essential.
54. Modern Inspirations
The decor of a room is such a personal thing, and there is never any reason why you can’t mix your favorite hues and patterns. A modern checkered floor can look amazing with the rustic wooden beams, such as in this retreat setting that blends the elements perfectly together.
56. Storage Cubes
You don't often think of a lot of equipment when it comes to yoga, but there is quite a bit of addition you may want to add to your routine, and having a place to store them all to keep them handy shouldn't be a hassle. Storage cubes are perfect for mats, stretching bands, and other smaller weights or helpful items you may want to use to help you improve.
57. Gathering
If you regularly practice yoga on your own, you may want to consider taking a larger class to make connections with others who enjoy the same things you do. Yoga is one of those things that we learn from one another, and everyone is incredibly supportive of growth and new experiences.
58. Tranquil Seas
There is something incredibly peaceful about the movement of water, and some of the most calming areas are those with a view of endless blue. If you are lucky enough to live near a body of water or are visiting areas that are, look for classes that offer a view.
59. White
Green may bring balance and harmony, but white is the symbol of wholeness and completion. The use of it to highlight texture and simplicity is a great way to open up space and allow for a settling of thoughts and focus.
60. Yoga For the Young
Its never to late or early to start yoga, and when youth programs offer classes for their member and community, it’s awesome to support them. 4H programs are designed to bring balance to young people's lives and work to incorporate honesty and life-long learning to their decisions in life.
62. A Place to Rest
Having an area to simply sit is often overlooked but is a need for many. Those who struggle with mobility, have an injury, or simply are observing, all deserve an easier place to sit than on the floor to partake in what they can.
63. Upcycle Your Room
If you have space, why not create a small room using old doors, windows, and other building materials that may no longer find a use in a home. These are popular structures that add interest to your yard, as well as a private place to retreat into.
64. Bare Essentials
Defined by the simple lines of the room shape, yoga studios such as this need nothing more than the bare minimum to help students stay focused and on task. Overlooked by Buddha himself, rooms like this evoke a sense of peace.
Yoga Meditation Room Ideas
As you may have noticed above, yoga and meditation seem to go hand in hand. The peaceful relaxation both practices bring create a whole that influences the balance and strength of mind and body. The following ideas can help inspire your own spaces or influence you to search out something to call all your own.
65. Universal Mandala
The symbol of the mandala is often depicted in many beautiful intricate patterns. It is representative of unity and wholeness and is meant to inspire peace and the calming of internal conflict. First used in Eastern religious interpretations, it has come to be a universally accepted design to promote a togetherness.
66. Chakra Inspirations
The seven Chakras are representative of the seven locations of your mind and body that should work in harmony to bring health and wholeness. Representations of this idea are often used in meditative decor to provide a visual of a centeredness.
67. Elemental Surroundings
Because meditation focuses on balance, your location can be of utmost importance. A peaceful place that’s surrounded by nature’s elements is often a popular choice. This helps provide an awareness of where you are and belong in it all.
68. A Place for Peace
A quiet area of your house, the place that you enjoy and feel relaxed in, is all you need to induce a meditative state. Finding balance and peace can help you clear your mind of clutter to approach your day.
69. Eastern Symbolism
The symbolic images of the influences upon meditation are deeply rooted in Eastern religion- many of which promote peace, balance, and harmony. To inspire this thinking, designs depicting their symbolic representations are popular.
70. Warm Surroundings
Surrounded by the warms hues of natural stained wood is a great place to invite a welcoming atmosphere. Take advantage of small nooks and crannies to create your own place to de-stress and unwind.
71. A Place to Hang Around
If sitting on the floor is a difficult position for you, that doesn't mean you can’t partake in stress relieving meditation. Find a place that allows comfort and support such as a hanging chair for weightlessness where you can just sit back and enjoy.
72. Patio Privacy
Your own outdoor living spaces make excellent meditation rooms. For privacy, consider hanging blinds or other types of shade that allow the light and air through and provide the isolation and peace you crave.
74. A Place to Focus
When in meditation, you are supposed to clear your mind of clutter. Sometimes having something simple to focus upon can help with this. Consider the flow of lines and natural colors to help inspire your own quiet time.
75. Inspirational Decor
Just because you have an uncluttered space doesn’t mean you can’t have any decoration. Your favorite items can be easily showcased with the use of well-placed shelving that stays true to the idea of clean flowing lines.
76. Back to Nature
The use of natural rock and the textures found in the environment have become a popular way to inspire a rustic decor. It also reminds one of their surroundings and is highly influential for those who need a connection with nature.
77. Sunrooms
Covered outdoor spaces are widely popular for entertainment, as well as for creating an extension of your home to relax within. They also make great exercise and meditation rooms as the natural lighting and fresh air provide a relaxing atmosphere.
78. Collective Peace
Many mediation studios support a collective experience where you and everyone are allowed quiet reflection and a clearing of the mind while gathering energy from one another. These circular setups allow you to make those personal connections while getting yourself into your own peace.
79. Bring the Outdoors In
Zen rock gardens are used to both inspire your own creative simplicity, as well as provide something tranquil to gaze upon. And they don’t have to be an outdoor design either. The clean lines and shapes, textures, and colors are easily incorporated into your indoor areas.
80. Dual Design
Again, despite meditation being a personal approach to your own tranquility, it helps to learn from others who can guide you into a peaceful state and help you settle yourself.
81. A View of Nature
Large windows allow an opportunity to have a view of nature, no matter what the season. Set your space up facing your gardens to give you a glimpse of the changing seasons.
83. Marbleized Meditation
This room is made to mimic underground space, designed in marble to allow for a lighter and more airy feeling. Wrapped as if in a womb of the Earth, this type of space provides protection and enlightenment.
85. Perfectly Proportional
Studios pay close attention to the proportion and design of their space. It should be simple in nature with smooth clean lines without clutter or any sort of disharmony. This space even keeps the window from becoming a distraction- making it a great place to begin to learn how to meditate.
86. Privacy Screening
Sheer curtains are the perfect choice for large windows in order to let in the excellent lighting they provide- all while allowing you to continue to receive the privacy you deserve.
87. Eastern Influences
Delicate scrollwork and intricate detail are popular with quiet retreat areas to provide the only decor design you need. Soft whites and warm tones provide a welcoming area to relax and sink into a thoughtful state.
88. Your Own Place to Unwind
Create your own private place anywhere you feel the most comfortable, even if all that is on a pillow in front of a favorite window with a view. A few candles and some peaceful music easily sets the mood.
89. Lattice Work
The detail of lattice is delicate and calming, and it allows for gentle patterns of light to be cast upon your area. You can mix and match the design or stay with simple borders, especially if you have a small area.
90. Tea House Inspired
Tea Houses are an important part of many Eastern cultures to bring together in harmony long-standing tradition. Much like a meditation area, they are simple in design and are welcoming areas to spend time in.
92. Keeping Your Space Clean
Meditation usually includes a soft pillow to sit upon as well as a rug or other mat of sorts to help reduce pressure points and provide you a place to be comfortable in. Storing them away for easy access helps keep them clean and available.
93. Wall Hangings
Inspire your meditative state with wall hangings that inspire peaceful states of mind. More often than not, they are instructional in their teaching. Sometimes, changing your decor slightly from time to time can be a nice way to bring something new into your space.
94. DIY Relaxation Spaces
Even if all you have is a small apartment, you can transform it into a yoga spot in no time with only a few items to help influence the area. Mirrors, a mat, and some other small items that reminiscent of a more professional setting are all you need to call it your own.
95. A Place to Gather
Proper padding is all you need for a gathering of friends determined to inspire and influence one another into a peaceful state. This is also a welcoming way to have an instructor give a group some helpful insight and support.
96. Temporary Privacy
Hanging curtains, even in a corner of a room, allows for you to shut out the rest of the world for your own concentration and quiet. It is not hard to imagine your own retreat just with a little imagination and innovative ideas.
Yoga Room Design Ideas
Your own yoga room should be reflective of who you are and provide all you need for a tranquil experience. The design of your room can be created from scratch or put together bit by bit as you find what works best for you through your journey of meditation and peace. These inspiring design ideas can help you plan your own space and create exactly what you need.
97. Working From Home
Some of the best instructors work from their own homes as they have complete control over the environment in which they want their students to study. Warm and welcoming, recessed lighting and open spaces define this private residence.
99. The Warmth of Wood
Wooden beams define this amazing space. The warm hues provide a peaceful surrounding and highlight the glow of the natural light that comes in from the well-placed upper window settings.
100. A Mix of Metal
Although plush rugs, simple scrollwork, and rich hues often are illustrated within a meditation area, don’t be afraid to incorporate metal work of various design. The soft curves and reflection they provide only add to your space.
101. Recessed Shelving
Recessed shelving is popular because it provides an excellent space for storage or display without taking up any space in a room. You also avoid knocking things off the shelves when moving about the room, and you can utilize your area to its fullest extent.
102. Tranquil Spot
If meditation is an integral part of your life, and you have studied the teachings that influence it, you most likely have found yourself surrounded by the symbolism and visual reminders of this lifestyle. Whether you incorporate it into your personal space or the entirety of your home, there is much you can use for inspiration.
103. Contemporary Yoga
It’s been mentioned time and again that your place to meditate is your own private space, and how you decide to decorate is personal. Soft colors, open areas, and main focal points help you relax and keep your mind uncluttered.
104. Brighten Your Room
Bright wall paint and color combinations play out in the rugs, pillows, and even furniture of this room built for quiet reflection and visiting. Simple in design, the interest comes from careful texture choice and a matching of hues found in nature.
105. ‘Global’ Lighting
Have overhead lighting that is harsh or too bright for your space? Cover them to soften the lighting and add some fun aesthetics to your space. These lantern globes look as if they are floating in space, and they bring more than just lighting to your room.
106. Workout Space
You don’t have to designate your place for ONLY yoga or meditation. A good workout spot is what you make it and can double (or triple) for anything you need as the need arises. Sitting, running, stretching, yoga, and meditation can be easily practiced in a space like this.
107. Soft Shadows
If an outdoor space is your forte, you will want to minimize your distractions- mainly from the annoying biting kind. Soft gauzes and mosquito nettings soften the light, allow air to pass through, and help keep you protected from the small things that may break your concentration and comfort.
To Conclude
This extensive list of ideas, room designs, and decorative inspirations all highlight the many, many ways you can incorporate something new to your own exciting space- or help influence a new one. Whether you are seeking a quiet place to practice on your own or are wanting to create a place for many to gather, there is sure to be something mentioned above to help you visualize your perfect place.
We’d love to hear about your own favorites below, and if you find this helpful, please share!
The post 107 Yoga Room Ideas: Peaceful Surroundings for your Meditation Needs appeared first on Better Mind Body Soul.
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