Wednesday, October 2, 2019

15 Awesome Patchouli Essential Oil Perfume Recipes

Everyone loves a good perfume. For a long time, this stood as the perfect gift, provided that you can nail the fragrance that the receiver likes. But it’s no secret that perfumes bought from stores used chemicals in their composition. Even more, perfumes can be darn-right expensive. But what if you knew how to make your own?

Why Make Your Own Essential Oil Perfume?

The real question is “why not?”. When you make your own perfume, you are creating a natural product, made with only the finest ingredients. But the benefits of mixing and matching these scents don’t just stop there:

  • When you create your own scent, you know exactly what ingredients you’re using. That means fewer compounds that you can’t pronounce, and more ingredients that you know are beneficial.
  • Even more, it gives you the chance to you precisely the fragrances you’re most into. Sometimes, it takes a few tries to get it right, because at first you’ll be tempted to throw in just about every essential oil that you like. While they smell good individually, they might not work well together.
  • The perfume you make out of essential oils will always be less expensive compared to the store-bought alternative.
  • If you think about the fact that perfume ingredients are absorbed by your skin and eventually end up in your system, doesn’t the whole natural essential oils idea sound more appealing?
  • Essential oils are good in helping with a lot of different conditions. For instance, cedarwood is really great at inducing a sense of calm and reduces anxiety. Lavender acts as a sedative and helps people cope with emotional stress. Orange can lower blood pressure. Rose balances hormones. And patchouli can help boost the immune system.

Vetiver Lemon Patchouli Roll-on Perfume

Aura Cacia Jasmine Absolute + Aura Cacia Vetiver + Aura Cacia Amber Roll-on Bottle + Lemon + Patchouli + Aura Cacia Jasmine Precious Essentials + Ylang-ylang III

Patchouli is an aromatic herb which has a very characteristic scent: it’s a combination of sweet and spicy, with a woody note. For a long time, patchouli oil has been used in the cosmetic and perfume industry because it’s a great scent additive. It is believed that it can help with depression signs, serves as an insecticide, but also helps with dry or cracked skin.

Essential Oils and Ingredients:

  • 2 teaspoons of Aura Cacia Jasmine Absolute (in jojoba oil) 0.5 fl. oz.
  • 2 drops of Aura Cacia Vetiver 0.5 fl. oz.
  • 0.31 ounces of Aura Cacia Amber Roll-On Bottle with Writable Label .31 fl. oz.
  • 3 drops of lemon
  • 2 drops of patchouli
  • 2 drops of Aura Cacia Jasmine Precious Essentials
  • 1 drop of ylang-ylang III


The instructions for making this roll-on perfume are so simple, even a little kid can do it. You will need an empty roll-on container, and you’ll have to remove the ball fitment to put the ingredients inside.

Carefully measure the specified quantity for each ingredient, because changing the ratio can lead to a completely different scent. Once all the ingredients are inside, use an eyedropper to fill the remainder of the bottle with jojoba oil.

After that, put the ball fitment and the cap back on top of the bottle. Shake the bottle to make sure that all the ingredients are well-blended. Your new roll-on perfume is ready to use. For optimal results, apply two or three swipes, and reapply each time you need to refresh.

Patchouli Oil Perfume Recipe

Dark Glass Bottle + Vodka + Distilled Water + Sweet Orange + Lavender + Patchouli + Cedarwood + Ylang-ylang + Bergamot

Making your own essential oil perfume is a cost-effective method that will help you create a fragrance with all the scents you love best in this world. The following recipe is based on a lot of different fragrances that blend perfectly with one another, creating a sweet scent. Unlike other recipes, this one uses vodka and distilled water in order to increase the quality of the perfume.

Oils and Ingredients:

  • 50 ml dark glass bottle (preferably a spray bottle or roll-on)
  • 2 tbsp. of vodka
  • 1 tbsp. of distilled water
  • 20 drops of Sweet Orange
  • 5 drops of Lavender
  • 10 drops of Patchouli
  • 10 drops of Cedarwood
  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang
  • 5 drops of Bergamot


The first step in making this patchouli-based perfume is to combine the distilled water and the vodka in the bottle. Then, you will have to add one essential oil drop at a time and stir thoroughly. It’s true that this recipe perfume implies quite a lot of stirring, but that’s how every good perfume is made.

The point behind this idea is to give each drop of essential oil time to disperse into the mixture.

Zen Out with Patchouli Essential Oil Perfume

Lavender + Clary Sage + Lemongrass + Patchouli + Carrier Oil

Whenever you create an essential oil perfume, it’s important to choose a carrier or a solution that blends the entire mixture together. The previous example showcased a recipe that was based on a mixture of vodka and distilled water, while the one presented below requires a carrier oil. This recipe suggests sweet almond oil, but you have other options, perhaps more suitable to your own taste, such as coconut or jojoba oil.

Oils and Ingredients:


This is yet another easy-to-make essential oil perfume recipe. It implies combining the recommended amounts of each essential oil mentioned in the “ingredients” section and then adding carrier oil (something like sweet almond). Once the ingredients are stirred together, you can add them to an empty perfume bottle.

Easy DIY Patchouli Perfume Blend Using Essential Oils

Patchouli + Lavender + Orange

Of course, you always have the option of creating an essential oil perfume that doesn’t use any other dilutions. This creates a more potent fragrance, which is recommended to those who like really strong scent (not everyone is a fan of perfume that can be picked up from afar). Also, it’s important to keep in mind that recipes like the following may not be the best option for people with very sensitive skin.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   17 drops of patchouli
  •   15 drops of lavender
  •   10 drops of orange


Whenever you create a mixture based on essential oils, remember to use a glass container to store the blend. For this recipe, you can mix the essential oil directly into the bottle.

If you feel that the fragrance is too strong or too irritating, you can add carrier oil until you fill up the remainder of a 15 ml glass bottle.

Orange Patchouli Solid Perfume

Beeswax + Fractionated Coconut Oil + Patchouli Essential Oil + Orange Essential Oil + Small Containers

The following recipe is different compared to the others, in terms of both ingredients and final texture. It uses coconut as a carrier oil, but also beeswax that changes the consistency of the end product. This type of perfume is more solid, so you’ll have to use your finger to apply it on your skin.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   1 tbsp. of beeswax
  •   1 tbsp. of Fractionated Coconut Oil
  •   20 drops of Patchouli Essential Oil (Pogostemon cablin)
  •   15 drops of Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis)
  •   2 small tins/containers


The first step for this recipe if to melt the beeswax in a bain-marie (heated bath), by placing the was in a bowl sitting in gently boiling water. This will slowly melt the wax.

When the beeswax has melted, mix it with fractionated coconut oil and keep stirring until the two are blended together. After that, add the essential oils into the mixture, and keep mixing until the composition is homogeneous.

When all the ingredients are mixed together, pour the perfume inside the containers and leave the mixture to cool down. The beeswax will create a perfume with a rather sticky and creamy texture so that you can run your finger over it, and then rub in on your neck or wrist.

DIY Patchouli Perfume Recipe

Vodka + Distilled Water + Glass Bottle + Sweet Orange Oil + Patchouli Oil + Cedarwood Oil + Lavender Oil + Ylang-ylang Oil + Bergamot Oil

Don’t be intimidated by the amount of essential oils used in the following recipe. All of the world’s best perfume companies create mixtures that have top, middle, and base notes. The top notes are the first scents that stand out when you smell a perfume, but they are also the quickest ones to fade. Middle notes are the ones you can smell after the top notes evaporate. The base notes combine with the middle ones to create rich notes that will stick to your skin for hours.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   2 tbsp. of vodka
  •   1 tbsp. of distilled water
  •   1 dark glass bottle
  •   20 drops sweet orange oil
  •   10 drops patchouli oil
  •   10 drops cedarwood oil
  •   5 drops of lavender oil
  •   5 drops of ylang-ylang oil
  •   5 drops bergamot oil


First, you’ll have to combine the distilled water and the alcohol into a dark glass bottle. Then, add the essential oils into the mixture, one drop at a time, and mix thoroughly (yes, just like we mentioned a few recipes back).

When you’re done mixing in all the drops of essential oil, you should leave the recipe to rest for a couple of days. And always make sure to shake the bottle before applying the perfume.

Flower Garden

Sweet Orange + Patchouli + Cedarwood + Lavender + Ylang-ylang + Bergamot + Carrier Oil

Patchouli essential oil is a great base note for perfume. It has a musky scent and blends well with minty and woodsy fragrances. It also offers a very exotic-type of perfume, mixing great with ylang ylang or sandalwood. The recipe below is called “Flower Garden” for a reason: all the essential oils used are flower-based, except for sweet orange and cedarwood, which is another woodsy scent that blends perfectly with patchouli.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   7 drops of sweet orange
  •   4 drops of patchouli
  •   4 drops of cedarwood
  •   2 drops of lavender
  •   2 drops of ylang-ylang
  •   1 drop of bergamot
  •   3 tbsp. of carrier oil (about 50 ml.)
  •   1 roll-on perfume container (about 50 ml. capacity)


This recipe is also straightforward and fast to make. Just pour in the essential oils in the perfume container, and then add carrier oil until the bottle is full.

Put the cap on the bottle and seal it shut. Shake the container well, giving the ingredients a chance to blend. To get the best out of your fragrance, leave the perfume to sit for two days before using it.


Patchouli + Palmarosa + Vetiver + Cedarwood + Neroli

Since patchouli is known to have an earthy scent, it’s safe to assume that it blends perfectly with other similar scents, like the ones of cedarwood and vetiver. One might think that the resulting fragrance is suitable only for men, but there are plenty of women that just love that musky scent.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   3 drops patchouli
  •   3 drops palmarosa
  •   1 drop vetiver
  •   4-5 drops cedarwood
  •   1 drop neroli


You can choose to mix all of the ingredients together in a bottle without a carrier oil. However, if you want a more diluted scent, opt for carrier oils that have little to no scents. The most common ones are grapeseed, jojoba, and sweet almond oil. Make sure that you use a roll-on bottle, for clean application.

Chypre Recipe with Patchouli

Labdanum + Oakmoss Abdsolute + Patchouli + Bergamot

Chypre is the name given to a certain perfume concept that’s based on citrus notes (such as bergamot), middle notes like labdanum, and a base note of patchouli. Some believe that this concept dates back to the 18th century, and was named after the French name attributed to the island of Cyprus.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   10 drops of Labdanum
  •   20 drops of Oakmoss Absolute
  •   20 drops of Patchouli
  •   50 drops of Bergamot


Simply mix all of the ingredients in a clean bottle container, and apply drops of the mixture on your pulse points, whenever needed. If you feel that the fragrance might be too strong, you can always dilute the mixture using a cup of water or carrier oil.

Back to Nature with Patchouli Essential Oil Perfume

Basil + Lemon + Cypress + Black Pepper + Ginger + Pine + Clary Sage + Patchouli + Carrier Oil

The recipe below mixed plenty of different essential oils that go well together, and create a scent that’s very refreshing and nature-like. The top notes for this recipe include basil and lemon. The middle notes are black pepper, combined with ginger and pine. The base notes that linger are patchouli and clary sage.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   10 drops of basil
  •   12 drops of lemon
  •   10 drops of cypress
  •   5 drops of black pepper
  •   10 drops of ginger
  •   15 drops of pine
  •   10 drops of clary sage
  •   15 drops of patchouli
  •   5 ounces of carrier oil, such as sweet almond


Mix all of the essential oils together. Add carrier oil on top of the mixture, and then secure the container shut. Shake the container to make sure the ingredients blend. For the optimal application method, choose a perfume spray bottle.

Patchouli-Tangerine Solid Perfume

Jojoba + Patchouli + Tangerine + Beeswax Pastilles

Solid perfume implies a more “complicated” recipe, in a sense that you have more steps to follow in order to make it. It uses only three ingredients: carrier oil, beeswax and the essential oils of your choice. Jojoba oil is typically the most common carrier oil selected for such recipes, but you can go with coconut oil, should that be a fragrance you find more appealing.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   1 tablespoon Jojoba
  •   20 drops Patchouli
  •   40 drops Tangerine
  •   2 teaspoons Beeswax pastilles


Use a small shot glass to measure the amount of jojoba oil to be used in this recipe. Add the essential oils on top of the carrier and blend the mixture. While doing so, feel free to test the fragrance on a skin patch, and determine if you require more oils.

By using a small kitchen scale, weigh your beeswax (alternatively, you can also use carnauba max). Melt the beeswax inside a bowl or a glass container, placed in a pan with boiling water.

When the beeswax has melted, pour the previously-created mixture of oils on top of it. Keep the beeswax and essential oils container in hot water, so you can get a chance to mix all of the ingredients together.

Once that is done, pour the mixture in a clean container. If you allow it to cool down for 15 minutes, you will notice how the mixture becomes solid.

Homemade Perfume 

Sandalwood + Rosewood + Geranium + Clove + Lavandin + Palmarosa + Patchouli + Water to dilute

Wise people once said that the things you put on your skin eventually end up in your body, so you should be really careful with what you choose. Based on that principle, creating natural perfumes that are based on essential oils with proven benefits seems like the way to go. Take the recipe below, for instance. It’s a mixture of some of the finest essential oils, to which you add water, giving the blend a refreshing texture.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   12 drops Sandalwood
  •   12 drops Rosewood
  •   12 drops Geranium
  •   12 drops Clove
  •   12 drops Lavandin
  •   12 drops Palmarosa
  •   12 drops Patchouli
  •   Water to dilute


Since this recipe uses water to dilute the oils, it’s best if you opt for a spray bottle to serve as a container for your mixture. Just place each of the oils inside the bottle, and then top them off with a cup of water. Shake the container, and you’re ready to start applying perfume as needed.

Pure Pulse Point Perfume

Patchouli + Rosewood + Lemongrass

Sometimes, you don’t want to create an entire perfume bottle that Heaven knows when you’re ever going to finish. Sometimes, you just want to whip up a quick fragrance that will get you through the day. And, boy, have we got a fine combination for you. The idea behind recipes like these is very simple: just add the drops directly on your pulse point, or mix them in a cup with a carrier oil.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   1 drop of patchouli
  •   1 drop of rosewood
  •   1 drop of lemongrass


If you wish to apply the essential oils directly on your pulse points, you have to patch test first to make sure that you won’t suffer from any skin irritation.

Otherwise, just grab a clean cup, pour the three drops of essential oil inside, and then add a few drops of carrier oil to dilute the mixture.

Robust Manly Blend

Bergamot + Patchouli + Bay Laurel + Vetiver + Ginger + Neroli + Carrier Oil + Perfume Container

The general advice when venturing on the path to making your own essential oils is to start off with a maximum of three ingredients. This will “train” you in better understanding what are some good mixtures, and which scents can be paired with others. The recipe below certainly has more than three ingredients, but it’s also created by someone who experimented with essential oil blends more than once. You will find the combination to be quite manly and powerful.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   6 drops bergamot
  •   6 drops patchouli
  •   3 drops bay laurel
  •   3 drops vetiver
  •   1 drop ginger
  •   1 drop neroli
  •   3 tbsp. of carrier oil (about 50 ml.)
  •   1 roll-on perfume container (about 50 ml. capacity)


Put the essential oils in the clear perfume container, and then add carrier oil to fill the container all the way up to the top. Making sure the bottle is sealed, shake the container until you see all the ingredients blending with one another. Leave the perfume to sit for a couple of days, for better ingredient fusion.

Hippie Peace and Patchouli Essential Oil Perfume Blend

Lavender + Rosemary + Spearmint + Clary Sage + Pine + Black Pepper + Basil + Vetiver + Patchouli + Carrier Oil

Patchouli is one of the perfume industry’s favorite actors. The sensual woody tones are used as base notes in plenty of famous perfumes, including creations by Angel and Dior. Aside from them, it’s a trustworthy ingredient of the skincare industry as well, being used as a primary ingredient to make the finest natural soaps, creams, and body lotions.

Oils and Ingredients:

  •   10 drops of lavender
  •   8 drops of rosemary
  •   10 drops of spearmint
  •   20 drops of clary sage
  •   10 drops of pine
  •   15 drops of black pepper
  •   10 drops of basil
  •   5 drops of vetiver
  •   15 drops of patchouli
  •   Carrier oil of choice


As always, you will need a clean perfume bottle to store your new creation. Thanks to the carrier oil used in the recipe, you will end up having a perfume that can last up to one year before going rancid.

Just mix the oils together in a generous container, and then add carrier oil until the bottle is full. Put the lid or the cap on the container and shake the mixture well, until the ingredients have blended together. For carrier oil, you can use fractionated coconut, jojoba, or sweet almond oil.


Patchouli oil is perhaps one of the most underrated products of its kind. It is very versatile in all corners of the world, being used to treat damaged skin, preventing oily hair and dandruff, relieving anxiety, treating cold-related symptoms, and even acting as an antibacterial agent.

The earthy and musky scent of patchouli offers great base notes for famous perfumers throughout the entire world. The aroma has a woody-balsamic undertone, one that you can know experiment with and create your own fragrances.

The post 15 Awesome Patchouli Essential Oil Perfume Recipes appeared first on Better Mind Body Soul.

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